Return of the Hack
Figured it was time to get back into it!
It’s been a while since I have written anything on my blog nuclearfarmboy. Life happens y’know? And sometimes that life comes with a job that has convoluted policies about you posting your own original research online. Mom never warned me about that!
Anyway, so one night after browsing the internet and debating what new keyboard and/or headphones I wanted to buy (oh man, so many!) I found myself buying the domain Why? because my brilliant self thought at 2AM it would be super 1337 h4x0r to own the domain and email. So I did. And without a plan for it I just went for it. Hooray irresponsible impulse purchases! That’s also how I ended up with a brand new set of roller skates recently, but I digress.
So what does this mean? Well due to job changes and time availability changes I decided to learn how to use Hugo and wanted to deploy a new website. Well I had a domain, a website, but what about content? I thought about hosting photos of my dog, Freckles:

Freckles the Corgi (Instagram link)
But then I remembered the adorable little jerk has:
- More followers than me on all his social media
- His own cybersecurity conference FrecklesCon
- More friends than me
- A big personality and a big head from knowing that everyone loves him
So instead I decided to (re)launch a blog! And write more! I am still going to keep nuclearfarmboy, largely for nostalgia reasons, and because that’s still my main handle, but it’s funny to look back and realize what role that blog played. It was always a showcase for collaboration with some friends, a place to show some writing, and ultimately as a grad student I was using it to help build my portfolio and help put my name out there because I waned to GET A JOB.
Fun fact, the name nuclearfarmboy actually was a name given to me as an insult by someone who I used to date. Little did they know that it’s an awesome name that I have now been using for over half a decade!
But I digress, as I was saying: now with that pesky job portion of life taken care of, and with increased freedom to do research and play around with tech, I figured I would (re)launch a blog where I can talk about everything cybersecurity related, as well as all kinds of tech and hackery things I am up to!
What to expect from this blog:
- Bad puns
- Pictures of Freckles
- Tech stuff!
- Hacker stuff!
- Security Research
- More bad puns
So look around, hit me up if you have any thoughts or questions! Everyone is welcome here, and despite the name of the site, nothing here is done with malicious intent, but any code you may find here as I do my security research, I will caution you to be careful with it. Don’t be like me and just download every .exe
file that you get emailed because you just need to know what it does. I hope to teach and share what I learn, continue exploring, and most importantly continue Hacking The Planet!